What is the best air conditioner for my home?
1. Properly designed, and sized air conditioning system. Studies have shown that 'one size does not fit all' when it comes to air conditioning systems. In many cases, these systems are not designed or installed correctly during the initial construction of a house. Builders may prioritize budget and cost-cutting over factors that would lead to a more effective system. Even if you are replacing an existing system, it is important to have an experienced evaluation in order to improve comfort, performance, and lower utility bills. Poorly designed, sized, or installed equipment can end up costing you more money and may never fully satisfy your comfort requirements. It is important to avoid replacing your old poorly sized and designed system with a new one that is also poorly sized and designed. To achieve the best air conditioning comfort, performance, efficiency, and overall value, Comfortable Homes uses computer design software to ensure that the system is tailored to your specific home and desires.
2. Quality equipment. It is often said that "you get what you pay for" and when it comes to air conditioning equipment, this is generally true. To ensure that you get the best equipment for your specific home, it is recommended that you consult with a comfort advisor. The cheapest equipment is often not the best option, so it is important to consider all factors before making a decision.
3. Quality installation. If an air conditioning system is not installed correctly, it won't work properly and its longevity will be compromised. Choosing a cheap installation may initially save you a few pennies, but it will likely result in a shorter lifespan for the equipment and higher operating expenses in the long run. The cost savings are outweighed by the potential expenses you'll face over the years.